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Day 7: Revisiting Day 1

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I forgive myself for holding on to the desire for my parents' attention.
I finally release and let go of the desire for my parents' attention.

I forgive myself for holding on to the desire for attention from anyone and I forgive myself for doing anything and everything that I see could bring me attention.
I finally release and let go of the desire for attention of others.

I forgive myself for holding on to the desire for my parents to care about how I feel, when they will never be able to do that, not realizing that I am the only person that can help me anyway, so better that I give myself the attention I deserve, and I pay attention to how I am feeling, so that I can support myself through any emotions and feelings.
I finally release and let go of the desire for my parents to care about how I am feeling.

I forgive myself for holding on to the desire for approval from others, when that is a symptom of low self-esteem.
I finally release and let go of the desire for approval from others.

I forgive myself for holding on to the desire to please my parents, and get approval from my parents, when they do not want what is supportive to me to grow, and what is Best for All in this world.
I finally release and let go of the desire to please my parents, and get approval from my parents.

I forgive myself for holding on to the desire to impress adults, impress my parents, impress my brothers, impress my friends, impress strangers, and impress my extended/entire family, when those desires have not supported me to become who I actually desire to be.
I finally release and let go of the desire impress others.

I forgive myself for holding on to the belief that I am not good enough.
I finally release and let go of the belief that I am not good enough.
I AM Good Enough.

I forgive myself for holding on to the belief that I am worthless, that I am not valuable.
I finally release and let go of the belief that I am worthless, that I am not valuable.
I AM Worthy. I AM Valuable.

I forgive myself for holding on to the belief that I must let my mind guide and direct me, that I should follow how I feel, because if I don't feel, then I am not human, when that is not the truth.
I finally release and let go of the belief that my mind has authority, and that I must follow how I feel.
My being, I have authority, and I move on principle.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to have faith; to see, understand and realize that if I actually, in reality, DO work this business, I WILL get everything I am looking for, I WILL BE the person I desire to be, and it WILL get done.

I forgive myself for holding on to the guilt of not building this business from the start, and the guilt of not walking this process from the start.
I finally release and let go of the guilt around my business and walking process.

I forgive myself for holding on to the desire to make my parents happy, when that will never be in my control, and I can only show them the way by being successful and happy myself.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to hold on to the thoughts and beliefs that, once THIS happens, or once I prove THIS, or once I make it, and I'm happy and successful, maybe THEN they'll come around, maybe they'll start their process, maybe they will listen to me, which is based in wishing and praying, and is not real or practical. What they end up doing will come down to their choice, which, at the end of the day, I can influence, but I cannot control what they choose for themselves, and I must be okay with whatever path they go down. They are not me, and I do not owe them anything.
I finally release and let go of feeling like I owe something to my parents.
I finally release and let go of the desire to make my parents happy.

I forgive myself for holding on to the belief that if I express myself in a way that people don't like, I will be beaten and hit and harassed until I obey, when that does not exist, and is not true.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that all people are abusers and angry savages that will beat innocent people and children up at the first sight of something they dislike, when that is not true.
I finally release and let go of the view and belief that everybody will physically abuse me, and that I will be beaten up if I express myself how I want to.

I forgive myself for holding on to the belief and subconscious/unconscious viewpoint that I might die, and someone might try to kill me if I express myself fully.
I finally release and let go of the belief and viewpoint that I might die or someone might try to kill me if I express myself fully.

I no longer have to live in fear of others.

I no longer have to live in fear of sharing and expressing myself in front of others.

I no longer have to live in fear of losing my life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that if I stand up to an angry parent or angry adult, they will beat me up and abuse me and maybe kill me.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to become that frightened little boy every time I see an angry adult, where I feel helpless and weak and small and powerless, especially when a parent is angry at a child. I no longer have to be that frightened little boy. I CAN help, I do have the power to change what is happening in front of me and all around me, I am an adult now, people will listen to me, and I have the power to help the children and help that adult come to their senses.

I commit myself to using my authority, my ability to author reality, and using my communication ability to direct an abusive situation to a constructive situation, a situation directed to what is best for all parties, when and as I see an abusive situation that is practical for me to intervene (including strangers), I intervene, and direct the situation to what is best, not emotionally, but with stability, breathing through the process of moving myself and directing anyone involved.

I commit myself to freeing myself of the fear of life that I have been accepting and allowing in my past through action, through expressing myself more fully, step by step, and interacting with others more fully, one step at a time, breath by breath.

I commit myself to impressing myself, and working to impress myself, and only myself.


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