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Day 15: Are We Life, or… (Part 1 of 2)

...Or are we EGO?

Let's go through the theory, which will give my understanding and supportive imagery, then Part 2 is the Practical; what this looks like in Reality.

What IS Life?
Not as this thing that we participate in (where we would say "my life"), I mean the thing that GIVES; when god breathed LIFE INTO a vessel; I am talking about THAT WHICH WE ARE; that which powers this body. The very thing that gives life; that gives life to the human body, that gives life to a flower, etc.

What is Ego?
EGO, describes that which has been layered and layered and layered on top of Life, within each individual, through what we have accepted and allowed. Ego is what holds Life back/keeps Life within/suppressed/down.

Let's look at Life and Ego as two Entities.

We are born into this world as Life, but we are immediately and completely surrounded by Egos (and I mean people, who have become only Ego).

  • Ego searches to make everything the same as it; Life allows all expression.

Because of this, we become Ego. Within our bodies, Ego becomes (interdimensionally, but still expressed physically) layered and layered and layered on top of Life (which is Us, so you can swap the word 'Life' for the word 'Us'), and we become Ego. Why? Because the only thing we have access to expressing is that top-most or outermost layer, which is the Ego.

  • Ego is keeping everything the same; Life is change.
  • Ego Takes; Life Gives.

Egos are all the same. We, as Ego, become the same as every other Ego, which keeps the perpetuation of Life-Suppression.

Anytime We, as Life, try to break away from ourselves as Ego, and break through all the layers of Ego which has laid itself over-top of Us, as Life; we underestimate the heaviness and weight and resilience of these layers of Ego; we underestimate the extent to which the Ego as taken over Us.
And because all the Egos around us seek to ensure that all stays the same, they will do everything they can in order to keep Us existing only as Ego and nothing else. The Ego within YOU will do everything it can to keep YOU existing only as Ego.

How do we experience this resistance to change, the suppression of Life, from our Ego and the Egos around us?

It happens in every Ego as emotions (and feelings, but we'll just talk emotions for simplicity), and thoughts. We experience it from other Egos by them communicating those emotions and thoughts to us with their words and how they use their physical instruments (vocal chords (tonality), body posture, hand gestures, eyes, etc.) to accompany those words. Then we feel those emotions that they were feeling, and now we are just like them - pure Ego.
Again, it happens in every Ego as emotions and thoughts. We experience it from our Ego by our emotions, and our emotions are translated into words, which we experience through thoughts. THIS IS HOW OUR EGO REMAINS IN CONTROL OF US; we have been conditioned and trained to follow our feelings and emotions and our "conscience"/"that voice in our heads", which is our thoughts; in other words, we've been conditioned and trained to follow our Ego. And in allowing our Ego to guide us, it drains our physical body until we die.

So, within Us, Life is buried under energy layer, after energy layer, after energy layer; and we only have access to the outermost layer at a given time. The Ego is what has set those energy layers in place; energy is Ego. So we experience energy, or Ego, as emotions, and thoughts (E-go; energy-go, or energy-movement because go=movement; E-motions; energy-motion, or energy-movement because motion=movement).

When reality presents Us with something, we respond with what we have access to immediately (which is reaction, which is unconscious, which is that-which-is-automated, which is autopilot, etc.), but what do we have access to? The outermost layer. What is that outermost layer? For one, two, three, maybe fifty layers, it is ENERGY, it is EGO.

So, to be clear:

When reality presents Us with something, it stimulates us and we access the outermost layer of that point, which is energy/Ego, and because that energy is stimulated, it is set into motion, and the word we use describe energy in motion is emotion (e-motion), and we experience that energy movement in two ways: as a sensation/experience inside the body; and as thoughts, which are words that flow through our mind, which we believe to be logic. Hint: Usually if you're feeling some emotion or feeling as you experience thoughts, those thoughts aren't coming from logic. You do experience other thoughts of logic, but it is not when you are feeling things.

So the goal is to become Life (again). How do we get back to that core of Life, that is buried beneath those energy layers?

We must go through these energetic layers, one by one.

  • Ego is there to Protect, Ego is Deception and Lies; Life is there to Grow, Life is Truth and Honesty.

  • Ego sees All as Separate, sees All as either Inferior or Superior; Life sees All as One; A Whole, sees All as Equal.

When reality presents Us with something, it will stimulate the outermost layer of energy that lies over-top of Life, then We will experience the stimulation of that outermost layer of energy as thoughts and emotions, which you will need to take apart. Then once you take that apart, through clarification and redefinition, you will then experience the NEXT layer energy, which is now the outermost layer, because the first layer of energy has now dissipated. After repeating this enough times, you will get back to Life; no ego-imposed limitations, the only limitation being physical reality.

Why would we always have to take apart and clarify and redefine our thoughts and emotions? Because those thoughts and emotions were created (another way to say that is, the layer of energy was created) as a survival mechanism, to Protect us, as Life, because in a moment, when we were young, we expressed ourselves, as Life, and we received negative stimuli from our environment, which we then understood as feedback as to how better survive in this world. Because we were new here, and assumed that the others around us could help us figure out this reality correctly.

Little did we know they have no idea what's going on, and are just trying to get by. So they programmed us with these energy layers so that we get the same result in life that they have. On the one hand, we survive. On the other hand, we ONLY survive; we struggle our entire lives, and never truly live.

See next post for Part 2, about how to spot whether you are living as Life or Ego, and how to get back to Life.


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